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11/8/2022 3:15:27 AM

Skill based matchmaking got me restricted from Crucible and gambit!

Hi, I've waited 3 days for my appeal to be approved but at this point it's getting rediculous. Skill based matchmaking in both PvP gamemodes placed me into laggy servers and resulted in me getting restricted for 2 months! I have an ethernet connection to my wifi and still got restricted for something beyond my control. I've tried appealing 3 times and nothing has happened, the third attempt is going slow but the appeal is still open so fingers crossed. Still, it's rediculous that I got punished for something beyond my control when really I should be placed in Oceania servers but instead get put across the globe to get removed because the connection is terrible. I hope people are having this same problem as I, just reply and let your voices be heard!

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