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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
11/1/2022 5:44:55 AM

Bungie LFGs are so clunky and annoying, can we get some quality of life updates?

Okay, the beta is over already. Proof of concept works, theres a good population. Now make it less infuriating to try and join one. [i]Here's how it usually goes. [/i] 1) Go to, try to sign in with Steam, it doesn't work 2) Sign with Xbox instead, it works 3) Navigate to LFG 4) Wait for it to load 5) Filter to activity type 6) Wait 7) See LFG that looks good, says it's been up for 2s 8) Click to view the LFG fireteam 9) Wait 10) Wait 11) Wait 12) Finally it loads, but its now its full 13) Back up, see same stuff as before 14) Hit refresh because it doesn't seem to do it automatically 15) See LFG that looks good, click on it 16 Wait 17) Wait 18) Awesome it has a spot open still!!! 19) Click to Join Fireteam 20) Wait 21) Wait 22) "Scheduled Fireteam has no more slots available" 23) FML, repeat some form of the above for next 15 min until it finally works Can we just get a "join fireteam" button on the list? If it allows us to actually join, THEN take us to the page where we can get invited. As it stands it feels like RNG trying to get in, I get enough RNG in-game.

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