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10/26/2022 10:02:43 PM


Hi, I’ve been playing solidly since 2016 because I enjoyed it and it helps dealing with moving around all the time. I’ve never cheated or manipulated the code of conduct, or done recovs…etc. This is quite apparent by k/d literally not being good enough (Supernova#6104) to justify or support the idea that I have. Long story short I was trying to finally finish an get unbroken this season, but to my dismay [u][/u]my account says I’m restricted [u][/u]. Which is obviously frustrating as there’s no timer telling you how long that last, and I have friends with far worse connection issues who don’t have this problem. Bungie has no help email (which makes me fearful as I’m sure you all know this games time commitment), and I’m left posting to the help form void which at first glance doesn’t have any actual Bungie employees in it. Someone please help…I only enjoy strikes so much, and I’m tired of teaching raids (they aren’t the only reason I play destiny). Someone please help, I want my Unbroken title, I want to continue trying to improve in crucible. Thanks in advance, I hope, Falcxn P.s. Please get a help email bungie

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