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Изменено (Alkazt): 10/2/2022 2:38:57 PM

Starcrossed Foxtrot is now recruiting! [18+ ALL ARE WELCOME]

Starcrossed Foxtrot is a group of casual players mixed with veterans. Lore readers, merch fiends, streamers and content creators, PvP players, raiders and dungeon crawlers all exist here. Yes even some who enjoy some Gambit. We welcome those on all platforms and all skill levels. Just be willing to use discord for clan communications. We pride ourselves on accepting everyone and working together. Trying to not take everything too seriously though, we even have a silly little lore document written by the founder (he was bored one day). We like to have fun and we like having fun within the world of Destiny 2. But we know when it’s time to focus on on the damage phase for the boss or when we are the last guardian standing. Our clan values teamwork, communication and a sense of humor. All platforms, Time Zones and skill levels welcome. 18+ though We are also currently seeking clan members for admin roles. These must be truly dedicated clan mates. Those who want to regularly teach raids, play pvp with the clan or even lead clan events. So if you’re idea driven and want to help build a community then this may be the fit for you! Starcrossed Foxtrot usually gathers every Wednesday. Many of us are typically online most days though. We have a discord that we use for communications, alerts, voice chat or just chit chatting about a new roll they got on a gun. So whether you just installed the game or have 50 clears on a Kingsfall and want to help other players, sign up for Starcrossed Foxtrot here! Check out our #Destiny2 clan!

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