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9/2/2022 9:31:48 PM

Glimmer Disappearing Destiny 2

I've been playing destiny 2 for a few days now with my friend and have been noticing how he has much more glimmer than me. He had around 100k and I only had around 15k when we first took note of it, as time has gone on and we've gone on more missions we're finding that his glim count is raising while mine is stagnant. I was suspicious that my glimmer was disappearing somehow but I confirmed it when we completed a run of about 10 gambit matches and then returned to the last city only to find out I had a measly 126 glimmer in my inventory. Where is all the glimmer going?? All I did before I noticed at the tower was speak to the drifter, acquire some items and turn in a quest. Any help would be greatly appreciated, this is a huge bummer for me.
#Help #glimmer

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