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9/1/2022 3:09:59 AM

Help me please this has ruined my game

I recently re-downloaded Destiny 2, upon doing so I was given the Witch Queen, Beyond Light, and Shadowkeep, as expansion packs for free. I then bought Forsaken to complete the dlc quartet, however I now no longer have access to anything related to the other dlc's, only forsaken. This problem also only came to fruition once I downloaded/purchased Forsaken. I can still complete any active mission for the dlcs and any mission stemming from or following the previous, but I have no access to weapons, bounties, vendors, or anything that is outside of what I already had active in my quest, incentory, or character. What is happening wrong with the game? My bank also shows no sign or a purchase that was faulty or didn't work. Many friends of mine have no problems with the dlcs they were given recently with downloading destiny 2, I seem to be the only one.

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