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Изменено (Ka' Chang): 8/27/2022 7:08:08 AM

Bug/Glitch | “Invisible” to players and unable to deal damage to an extent.

As the title implies, I just finished a crucible match not too long ago where halfway through the match or so, I stopped being able to deal damage to players and it seemingly appeared as if I was “invisible” to everyone. At first, I just took it for your [i][b]typical Destiny 2 lag and latency issues[/b][/i], until I noticed that I was [b][i]unable[/i][/b] to deal damage by normal means. (weapons) This didn't start happening until after about half of our opponents left the match early and were replaced. After I did some testing, my abilities and my super [b][i]were[/i][/b] able to deal damage to other players. (to a certain extent) I even went as far as to test if glaives would work, (—and surprisingly) they did. (to a certain extent as well) I’m assuming it appeared to my opponents as if an “invisible entity” was butchering them with a glaive from the great beyond and at times the kill didn’t register either. The bug/glitch itself was [i][b]unintentional[/b][/i] nor do I have the knowledge to repeat the same process again. There's a link to a short video on my channel providing evidence for everyone to see. The reason why I’m posting this here is to cover my [b][i]!@#$%[/i][/b] just in case I end up getting reported. (most likely) Before this happened, I did 3 quickplay matches on my warlock for the pinnacle, then I swapped over to my hunter. I completed 2/3 matches just fine without any issues. However, I noticed that the latency during my third match was terrible. You’ll see in the video just how everything looked on my end. Bungie, I hope you all can fix this issue pretty soon. I’m against cheating 100%, but this was clearly something else going on and I’m honestly unsure as to what it was. Match information: Control: Quickplay (Disjunction) Players: (excluding myself) di#4242 grimbilthy#7812 Odin2563#8384 Apatheticist#3493 AlPHA-Xl-#3886 Charmin#1524 Steezle#8814 Menty#4187 Jekkin#1673 MaTiC#3289 Surprise Orange#1367 Lotus#1064

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