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Изменено (Leetle Fool): 8/24/2022 7:56:12 PM

[RESOLVED] Epic Games version issue with mouse in top right of screen

JUST for 30th Anniversary being free on Epic, I decided to install a second instance of Destiny 2 on my PC (same drive, but different folder path entirely from the Steam folder path). Everything is fine, EXCEPT for there being a big area in the top right of the screen where the in-game cursor just completely disconnects from my actual mouse cursor and just stops in place, while my actual mouse cursor is just moving around, unable to interact with anything in the top-right area of my screen. This, thankfully, only ever happens in menus like the Director screen and the Character screen. I don't know what exactly is causing this. The only apps I have open are Mozilla Firefox, The Epic Games Launcher, Discord (overlay off), and Destiny 2 itself, so I can't imagine what exactly is causing this. Turned Discord off and it changed nothing. Highly doubt Firefox is causing any problems, not when it caused zero problems with the Steam version. All that leaves is Epic, but I don't know what exactly is the Epic Games Launcher doing to make this happen. Does anyone know what could cause this and how to fix it? EDIT: I am not very smart. All I apparently had to do was restart my computer, because the very next day this was no longer happening.

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