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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Dashius): 8/14/2022 5:54:57 PM

Freelance trials toxicity

Imagine going into freelance trials to rank up in a mode you play every now and again to be told by a teammate how trash you are. Then Imagine that after the match said player keeps messaging you to let you know how great he is and how trash you are... Now let's piece it together if your so good why are you in Freelance? Why not give the flawless pool people that salt they crave it. Not saying I don't want to go flawless but if I wanted to jump right in the already toxic and sweaty pool I would've opted for regular trials. Point is some of us may not be trials gods, sure I'd like to go flawless most people would but I didn't ask for a carry or a pvp coach when I logged into the game so don't self appoint yourself as such. That's what lfg is for and again if you're so good why load into an easier variation your a God king of trials why waste your time with solo players?... oh that's right it's Easier🤔 sounds like a weak move by an entitled player

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