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8/14/2022 4:09:17 PM

Black Screen at Tower

Hi, Back, i tried to play, it works fine, i made quest on some planet, but each time i try to go to the tower, i get a black screen with sound then error message... ("cabbage" something like that) I tried the fast travel but didn't work... Everything else seems ok so i think it's not my network... But hard to play without this area :( Any Idea? Thx !

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    Swat The Bot
    Swat The Bot

    Bungie fan. Here since 2008 - старое

    [quote]Error code CABBAGE may occur when router settings block communications to or from Destiny services. We are investigating the impact on various devices. To attempt to resolve this error when using a Technicolor/Thomson router, please proceed through the following steps. PLEASE NOTE: Players may need to inspect the manual for their router to proceed through these steps, as some settings pages may have alternate naming conventions per manufacturer. Connect your console directly to the router via Wired or Wi-Fi Connection. Note: attempting to connect to Destiny through a router connected to an alternate router may lead to increased issues. Please attempt to connect to the router connected to your modem for best results. From the router settings page, proceed from Home > Toolbox > Firewall. Create a new Firewall level within your Router settings. Players may wish to name this "Destiny 2". From the Router settings page, proceed from Home > Toolbox > Game & Application Sharing and configure the following settings: Enable UPnP. Disable "Extended Security". Disable any "Assigned Games & Applications" settings.[/quote]

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