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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Yavna on 512): 7/28/2022 11:47:27 AM

I would be really happy if you ...

..could somehow program it - or just magically - so that armors are marked, namely those that [spoiler]Caution, a new term is about to appear! there 👇![/spoiler] represent my Prioritized Skills-Setup. This might look like allowing me to set any armor with certain stats as a "Prioritized Skill Set" in advance. Let's say the armor stats of my selected demo armor are strong in "Intelligent" and in "Mobility" it even convinces the majority of the Destiny player base as well. And then... so after I have determined the priority for the piece of splendor are me conveniently then finally all armor emblems marked (by icon it would probably look nicest) so that I no longer have to manually check each time like a sober data analyst their entire data, vector, thingamabob and or number stream, THANK YOU !

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