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7/23/2022 11:15:32 PM

Restricted From PvP For Poor Connection During Solstice That Requires 75 Matches

So I was restricted from PvP yesterday while trying to complete matches for glows on my 2 alt characters. I was banned for my poor internet which I have no control over. I live in a rural area with only satellite internet and have tried every one of Bungie's suggestions for making it faster. Now I cannot participate in getting my armor glows on all 3 characters. Even when the suspension is lifted in 2 weeks I will only have 4 days to complete 50 more crucible matches risking a ban for 2 months. I feel like requiring people to play so much crucible is a problem in itself, but forcing people who have bad internet to miss out on events because of such high p2p connection requirements is abysmal.

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