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7/5/2022 5:11:00 PM

Bri'ish lad looking for clan to meme with

Saah dudes and dudettes. Good morning/afternoon/evening people. As stated above I'm here looking for a new clan to join and game with. A little about me? If you insist I'm a 23 year old English guy from South West England with currently red/black hair, its not a personality trait but I'm likely to moan about it when it gets into my eyes. Logic would dictate I cut it but that makes too much sense to be a good idea for me. I have been an avid gamer since the tender age of 10 years old playing World of Warcraft for the majority of it and until recently, 20 mins before this post was a high level mythic raider, ask me more if you like. I spend way too much time in the gym, need I say more here? I work as a Shift Manager for Lidl, I put up with so much heck(keeping it pg here) Very mechanically minded in the case of I can build, break and fix most things get my hands on i.e: computers, consoles, phones and motorbikes. My Destiny experience? Oh jeez here we go I'm a crayon eating Titan Main, I do dabble in the floof escalating Warlocks and clamber fail god Hunters. I do have raid experience in Leviathan and Garden of Salvation having cleared both a couple of times but due to being a WoW raider I haven't been able to commit as much as I'd like to but I'm a quick study and rather good with overly complicated mechanics. I suck big time at PvP but I meme a lot so you'll be laughing a fair bit Can clear higher level strikes but haven't had a committed team to clear Grandmasters but I am wanting to clear with a full team. If you'd like to contact me for whatever reason and I'm not replying on these posts: Discord: Andieon#3178

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