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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
7/4/2022 5:44:00 AM

FOV and Reticle Positioning

I’m not sure if this will be heard but I believe it might be worth a shot. After playing great hours of this truly amazing game, I noticed that the reticle was just lower than the center. It didn’t really bother me in PVE activities(in fact, I preferred it), however, the lower placement of the reticle proved to be bothersome in the Crucible (PVP). [b]I’d like to make a request to implement more customization to the reticle by adding a setting for reticle placement.[/b] [b]In addition, I’d also like to request more customization to the field of view.[/b] I understand that these settings are already available for PC. However, these settings are not available on consoles. I hope this reaches whoever it needs to reach in order to make this truly happen. If you, yourself, are a console user and would like these settings added, please share this post to other users. Thank you, for taking the time to read this request and I wish you a good day.

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