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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
6/21/2022 10:39:53 AM

Stormchaser bugs, and dungeon farming

Couple things for this post. No. 1 - Stormchaser has a weird interaction when using Linear scav, given it only gives 1 on a finder brick and MAYBE 3 shots for a full brick. No. 2 - The Enhanced Battery perk, doesn't actually increase mag size to 6 as intended. the only mag that does work this way is Ionized. No. 3 - the drop rate for the weapons from the dungeon is ACTUALLY FAT CHEEKS. i farmed vault cp for about 3 hours a day, with lfg was taking about 10 minutes a run, and i had all of 3 storm drops and 2 smgs. the rest was armor. been like this for the last 2 weeks. dungeon farming with rates like that aint it chief, and don't get me started on caiatl. double armor for hours on end is absolutely filthy. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk

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