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6/15/2022 3:06:19 PM

I Can't Upgrade Arc Subclass From Ikora

The video I linked matches perfectly with the issue I am having, and I can't figure out for the life of me how to submit a ticket to Bungie (I am a new player). I got the quests to unlock the Solar and Arc subclasses for Warlock, and I finished both quests, but when I went back to Ikorra to turn them in, she only let me turn in the one for Solar. I definitely had both quests complete, (I have access and can equip both Solar and Arc,) but I can't access upgrades or anything for Arc. After a day of Ikorra not acknowledging that I completed the quest or unlocked Arc, the quest disappeared altogether in my tracker, and the issue still hasn't been resolved. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

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