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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
2/24/2022 4:10:42 AM

Not getting what I paid for

I pre-ordered the witch queen (standard edition) for destiny 2, I have the pre-order bonus such as the ghost shell, emote and emblem, however when I attempted to do a quest the game is telling me I need to buy the witch queen dlc. What the actual -blam!-? I did buy it, I have the pre-order bonuses to prove it, why are you asking me to buy it again to play the damn thing I already paid for?

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  • I feel and understand your anger. In my opinion, Bungie is actively misleading players by offering vague bundles that look like they have similar or additional content when they leave out large patches of information. Then in-game, they give you quests that require you to access areas you don't own but have quests for. I feel this is dishonest business practice. I have summarized my complaints to Bungie with no joy on feedback. This lack of feedback leads me to infer there is no one last the helm. There is no good excuse for not supplying previous content when buying a deluxe edition. ANY explanation by a moderator that tries to explain away a nickel and dime business model that intentionally makes content hard to navigate and confusing to purchase is deliberately trying to mislead its customers.

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