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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
6/13/2022 10:26:39 AM

Did Calus become somehow fused with the Egregore Fungi?

By completing some Scan Patrols on the Derelict Leviathan, Calus talked about became somehow fused with the Leviathan and the fact that now he shares a deep connection with the Loyalists. An audio recording in the H.E.L.M by Caiatl says that the Loyallists on the Leviathan were cloned, devoided of their highest brain functionalities, like slaves obbeying to someone's will. I was wondering if this is all connected. Calus became somehow fused with the Egregore Fungi (or maybe, he IS the Egregori Fungi itself, like this is his new form), the spores infecting the Loyalists minds and by overgrowing all over the Leviathan he somehow fused with it too. Any opinions? I'm writing this post by recalling what I've heard these days, so maybe I've mistundrstood something.

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