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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
6/11/2022 1:50:32 PM


So apparently Bungie changed the matchmaking AGIAN, now it pairs you against lighthouse games for you first game. Lol what the -blam!- happened? Who thought that was a good idea? Trials has across the board been an un-fun generally toxic playlist with the accompanied toxic playebase. So when they made changes a few seasons ago it was fun and much needed. Even the player base on a whole was digging trials, and then the next week Bungie made a change and -blam!- it up. They listen but then again….. So then the question? Who exactly are you listening to? Like the top 1% of destiny? I am sure that many feel like me. Also I most who disagree are going to be the toxic community who is going to throw my KD around like it matters( Lol like this is some sort of actual competitive game) Whoever you are listening is giving you bad advice.

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