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Изменено (Keifski): 5/31/2022 8:57:37 PM

jorums howl bugged and not progressing

Hey Team, I have an issue which may or may not be on your radar. The "jorums howl" quest for the seal is not progresssing for me. As you can see from the screen record below on the twitter link, I have four IB oraments on, plus the emblem, and I can see my bonus modifier, however it does not seem to be progressing for the seal. Some basic info for you: - I am on the PS5 with most up to date versions of Destiny and the PS5 firmware. - I am in the UK and played four games starting at 20:06:39 and the last one started at 20:47:49 - I was wearing the same armour pieces the entire time. I guess it could be that the seal is only working for IB armour rather then IB ormaments, however I am not sure if that is by design or an accident. Shout if you need any more info. Cheers Craig

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