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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
5/26/2022 9:28:37 PM

Solar 3.0 Khepri's Horn (make old exo great again)

Hello Fellow Guardian and hopefully someone from Bungie So far i enjoy playing the new Solar 3.0 on my Titan. I like to play around some older exotic armor long forgotten and try to put them in use again so i stumbled on Khepri's Horn and would like to request to make its exotic perk to scale with the roaring flames buff and also be able to creat sun spots this would make this old exotic really enjoyable and it could be used more often. So far i like to play with it and spam thermite nades and barricade wall fire waves but this litte thing would make an old exotic really fun again and i think that this barricade fire wave from the exotic should be counted as "ability" and theirfore scale with those new fragments n stuff. Thanks for reading keep shootin and burning :)

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