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5/11/2022 7:51:21 PM

Are you dressed for the occasion Ladies and Gentleman? The Dapper clan is recruiting!

[b]Dapper[/b] - A compliment made to someone who looks incredibly smart, -blam!- and stylish Lets cut to the chase, shall we? [b]Dapper™[/b] is recruiting ACTIVE hardcore PvPers and PvErs to be play together and be part of a [url=]family[/url]-like atmosphere. We participate in all activities such as Trials, Raids, Dungeons, etc. We run raids weekly, as well as Trials. The clan name itself says it all: in Dapper, all of our guy and gal GENTS pride ourselves on having a judgement-free, drama-free zone as well as just an overall chill place to play the game of Destiny with fellow Guardians. [b]Our requirements: - At least 18 years old. - Have a mic. - Join our clan Discord. - Most importantly, be ACTIVE.[/b] - Oh and of course, your credi-... jk - Sam's Club Membership (also a joke) If you are interested in joining Dapper, DM me on discord at MVP#7071. Feel free to send me a message at anytime and we can schedule something that isn’t a tryout, but an opportunity to get to know each other and talk about the clan and our mutual love for Destiny. It can be dive into the Crucible or a spin at a Nightfall! Also, we are a more Xbox and PC dominated clan, but we'd love to have more PlayStation or Stadia players who are comfortable with Discord voice chat. And if life hits and you need a break or can't play consistently, just communicate with us! We strive to be as open-minded and considerate as possible! Thanks for your time Guardians, stay classy, stay Dapper [url=].[/url]

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