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Изменено (Rufas-1): 4/12/2022 4:40:47 PM
What they should do... 1) The first player to quit a match takes a loss and receives a quitters penalty as it does currently. 2) Anyone in the fireteam of the person who quit also takes a loss and receives the quitters penalty. This prevents players from abusing this to protect a teammate from a loss. 3) If the quitter leaves mid round then that round ends immediately as a tie. 4) Before the next round starts the remaining fireteam leaders of the team with the quitter are given the opportunity chose if they want to forfeit or not. If all remaining players on that team chose to stay then the match continues as normal, otherwise the match ends with the team that had the quitter not taking a loss and the other team getting a win. 5) If another player leaves after the match has continued then the steps above are repeated. This gives players the option to continue the match if they want. Some teams may still be able to win being shorthanded and other players may not care if they win but want the vendor rank points (Trials). 6) If a full fireteam of 3 leaves then the match just ends as it does today with the remaining team receiving the win. This gives players the option to continue the match if they want. Some teams may still be able to win being shorthanded and other players may not care if they win but want the vendor rank points. This should be done regardless of where people are at in their cards. This should also apply to Survival. EDIT: basically re-did the post per some feedback.

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