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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/15/2022 1:04:52 PM

Additional perk unlocks for shaped weapons

Orb generation was removed from weapons to make room in the memory bank for origin traits, yeah? (Still don't like the helmet mods, but that's a story for another time.) So on the subject of memory: randomly rolled weapons always drop with two barrel and mag options and we've seen many rolls drop with additional perks during certain circumstances, i.e. The Dawning. To prevent stress of choosing which perks to pick when shaping/reshaping a weapon, we should be able to permanently unlock two additional perks in each column. I don't see how the space wouldn't be available considering we craft weapons with only one barrel and one mag. The new raid wave-frame grenade launcher is a prime example. There are so many great rolls available: ambitious assassin or unrelenting with chain reaction, surplus with wellspring, and the newly admired stats-for-all with one-for-all dynamic duo. There are also weapons that some players might want different rolls for in PvE and PvP respectively. The freedom to choose between perks after some further investment would be amazing. I feel like this is what weapon crafting was supposed to be and it's coming up just a bit short. Great foundation, but tuning is definitely needed. Side note, if this does get considered, please don't increase the cost required for additional perks to be added. There's no reason for it as you can only use one perk at a time. People would just get pissed off if adding an additional perk required two ascendant alloys. Thank you for reading, and have a great day.

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