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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/8/2022 11:41:28 PM

Dear Bungie, Can I Haz?

The Destiny content drops have gone from good to great to insane, especially with all the glorious Bungie nostalgia of the 30th Anniversary and now the Witch Queen. I have now permanently become glued to my near perfect Battle Rifle (BxR for those newer specimens of our community) thanks to my Halo 3 glory days. Weapon crafting shows so far to be a wonderful addition to the game with many new awesome and interesting weapons and perk combinations, but nothing could ever replace the weapon that started FPS’s for me… nothing hits quite like the BR for me. I understand that weapon crafting is in its infancy which is why weapon selection is currently limited, but I plead with you Bungie overlords; Can I haz craftable BR? …soon … pretty please?

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