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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
2/25/2022 8:58:07 AM

Weapon Crafting and My Thoughts

So weapon crafting is here. We get a pattern, a.k.a. a weapon blueprint, and we craft a weapon. It starts with very basic traits available but then we get to use it to level it up and unlock more crafting options for that weapon when we decide to edit it. You choose what goes on your gun. Power to the Guardian... But what do you choose from? What are the limits? I won't explain every little detail about it, but I will point out the bigger things, so let's get started. When you go to craft a new weapon, you will see that there are at least a few weapons from each archetype that at some point you will be able to craft. Except for hand cannons and swords. There is no hand cannon section in the weapon crafting menu and the sword section is just empty... which is odd. Makes me wonder if we're going to see something show up later this season in the sword section (or an attempt was made, but swords were always just limited to impact stat bonuses, so maybe it was too weird). But basically, the options are limited from the start. I said in another post that I predicted there would only be around 1 to 2 weapons per type that would be craftable at launch. I was kinda wrong, but I had the right idea. Would've loved to have seen more craftable weapons since I just love having an abundance of options, but looking at the database, I have no idea what sort of effort it took to make this work. Next are the traits. From the looks of it, every craftable weapon only has 6 possible normal main traits/perks to choose from per slot (6 possible here and 6 other ones possible there). You cannot put Demolitionist in slot 1 if it's only listed for slot 2. The regular system for possible traits is still at play here. However, through lots of grinding, you can also select enhanced versions of the same traits on the weapons. Most of them just increase the duration of certain effects but other ones can do other things like boost stats even higher. They are expensive though. There is no other way to get enhanced traits; they must be acquired through weapon crafting. The other perk slots that increase stats and such are the same way, but without enhanced versions. If a weapon doesn't say that you can put Ricochet Rounds, Armor-Piercing Rounds or High-Caliber Rounds on it, then you can't do it. Most likely Accurized Rounds will be seen on that weapon instead. The masterwork system is replaced on craftable weapons though and instead, once you level it up enough and have the right resources, you can just choose the stat bonus. My thoughts on this? Well, this is the one that I like the least. I feel like with weapon crafting, there should've been more options for main traits. Certain traits being enhanced are not going to make me want to use them. Pulse Monitor will always be Pulse Monitor and Encore will be Encore. I think these weapons' possible traits could've been expanded much more since you can just craft a better, more controlled version of them that you will likely be using much more than a random drop. Missed opportunity there. And, just because certain players aren't a fan of it, I should also point out that every craftable gun uses barrels and some players like having the option to change the sights like for zoom. Someone on the forums here even suggested why not make it where you can use changeable barrels and sights at the same time with weapon crafting? That would undoubtedly be cool, though I'm sure Bungie would be considering the balance of such a thing. The grind and resource hunting? Yeah, that is a long one just like many of us predicted. There are still many ways where you can efficiently level up your weapons, but Deepsight Resonance-grinding is where you will be getting most of your resources which depends on RNG and weapon drops. You use Deepsight Weapons enough and then you can extract the resources from them. You can also dismantle basically any weapon drops to get Resonant Alloy, which is always required to even begin crafting. Enhanced traits require an additional resource along with a heavy price. The resource is 1 Ascendant Alloy per enhanced trait and you can either buy one on a weekly basis from vendors at the Tower (just 1, period) or apparently you can get them to drop from difficult end-game activities. I don't really... have a major opinion on this. A good grind will keep the game at a certain pace which could prevent certain things like power creep, I suppose... Mementos...? ++++++++++ I do think that there is room for improvement with the system in the future if Bungie decides to do more with it. But while I don't have an amazing reaction to weapon crafting and things like the main trait limitation (right now at least), it does do its job. You want a gun with high range? You can craft that. You want a gun with as much stability as it can get? You can craft that. A sniper with a ton of handling? Craft it. That is undeniable. Why stick to RNG when you can just make it happen? And that is where weapon crafting succeeds. I'd love to see where this goes later on. Overall, nice job Bungie.

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