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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
2/24/2022 10:45:41 PM

Bungie doing it right. Witch Queen Day 1.5

Hi Bungie Team, I just want to express to you guys how impressive I am finding Destiny : Witch Queen thus far. You have done a stellar job on Audio/Visuals and Game play, Some of the SFX are really special it's just great! (Especially with a Headset on, a totally immersive experience) Bungie have developed a really solid release in WQ, I can see where the countless hours of work must have gone into creating this expansion. The Architecture alone in ... [spoiler]APOTHCARY[/spoiler] is really quite something else.. I tip my hat off to you Bungie, Thanks for creating another memorable experience. I am so excited at what you have instore for us Guardians as the story unfolds.. Destiny 2 will be keeping me quite entertained (and out of trouble..) for a long while, So many hidden mechanics & Easter eggs [spoiler](Moths)[/spoiler] Void 3.0 is bonkers! I love it. The game feels crisp where required, soft/fresh in other parts you have managed to create a special contrast in the environments and all combined more than worthy on next gen status. Keep the great work coming Excellent job! --Majika

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