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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Thunderhorse59): 2/14/2022 3:04:37 AM

Guardian Down - GT: a lowfatgoat

To Destiny 2 Dev's or Whomever Might Be Willing To Help, It is with a heavy heart that I reach out. On February 3rd, I learned that one of my very good Xbox friends committed suicide in mid-January. Nathan (a lowfatgoat) became a big part and valued member of our Destiny teams from the beginning of Destiny 1 until recently. More than a valued member, our group of dysfunctional friends came together as a family over the last 8 years playing both Destiny games, all the DLC's, Halo, and many more. Going through job loss, relationship turmoil, being beaten by life, can all suppress one's desire to thrive, but we supported each other and helped where and when we could. That makes this loss hit that much harder, I feel like I lost a brother. With that being said, I very much appreciate Bungie's commitment to mental health resources and guidance for all to follow in times of need. My original purpose in reaching out is not only to raise awareness as to Nathan's passing, but also to ask if there is a way that we can memorialize those guardians that have passed during the last decade of Destiny play (anonymous GT acquisition of course). Maybe a memorial wall in the old Tower (Where the speaker perished), a room dedicated to that memorial within the Destiny 2 Tower, or an emblem symbolic of the impact of suicide death. These are just a few ideas... I have many more. Ultimately, for those that have lost, this could be a way (in Destiny) to keep those memories alive. Thank you very much for the time and consideration. Loyal Guardian, Thunderhorse59

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