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2/11/2022 3:07:46 PM

Literally Impossible To Get Corsair Down Quests (Repost)

I did 1500 scorn kills (tracked on trinity ghoul) on all characters just to ensure that it is a bug and not bad RNG (I'm aware that's not definitive proof, but I've done well over 5000 before this, and used to get them after 10-100 kills max). I am permanently blocked from getting Corsair Down quests because I abandoned the Vengeance bounty after turning in my 6th badge on each character. I cannot complete the bounty, and I cannot get anymore quests. Really don't know what to do, trying to get purification rituals to get a transcendent blessing set on all characters before Witch Queen, can't wait until next week to do more blind wells, even if I did that's only 3 chances at another ritual bounty.

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