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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
2/8/2022 8:28:58 PM

Chill with the Currencies please.

Bungie the amount of different currency for different things in the game is kinda ridiculous. I people will argue that we’re losing 3, but because of weapon crafting we’re GAINING 4 sooo... Between masterworking, Transmog (jesus, Transmog...), infusion, weapon crafting, decrypting, I really think you guys need to slim things down. Not only is it annoying to keep track of, but there’s always the scenario of “I need __ and __ to upgrade __, but I only have 1 __ and a ton of __” Especially since blues and postmaster space is still an issue, the chance remains that we could have materials pushed out and lost. Just slim it down man.

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