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1/21/2022 4:16:27 PM

[X-Play] ~ Halcyon Space ~ [18+] Open, Friendly Community Recruiting Guardians NOW!

[i][b]~ DISCORD CLAN [u]BEFORE[/u] YOU APPLY JOIN DISCORD AND FOLLOW #WHAT-TO-DO-FIRST ~[/b][/i] Halcyon Space is a long standing community for all. We have an active player base with daily raids and activities to compliment our seaso-blam!-. Hosting monthly clan meetings, seaonal PVP tournaments, seasonal Fashion shows and our own challenges with rewards for all the winners. Unlike the bigger clans, we like to stay small, focusing on building long term friendships and real teams where everyone can engage with each other without hundreds of dead players taking up spots. Requirements: - Active use of the Discord - English Speaking (Although we have many languages) - Plays Destiny 2 (duh) No skill requirments, just enjoy the game. We want you. You could be the brand new player who just bought an expansion and is diving head first with little regard your own good. You could be the grizzled veteran who's house is built with the skulls of hive you have crushed for nearly a decade. Whatever the case, our community is open to you. Here are the links: Discord: Clan Page: See you on the front ~ [i][b]~ Arc[/b][/i]

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