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Изменено (shambles75): 1/15/2022 6:13:14 AM

The Traveler’s Few

Our mission is to voyage across the endless digital seas in search of high scores with the best banter and booty. Our crew, a rag-tag bunch of misfits picked up on Earth. With their new found comrades, they sailed the cosmos choosing the finest adventurers to set sail on the open sky seas. Our vessel requires souls for the flight so our eternal quest for glory has lead your eyes to this text. You know what to do. We are open to players of all skill levels and experience and expect nothing more than your willingness to brave the horrors of the cosmos and even if you lose a limb or two. Welcome Harbinger’s, you've been chosen and bound to be Exiled… (Chosen): (Exile): *** DISCORD IS REQUIRED FOR GUARDIAN COMMUNICATIONS*** ***GUARDIAN ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS APPLY*** ***18 OR OLDER**

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