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Изменено (ALoafOfDvDs): 12/27/2021 6:44:15 PM

Legacy Triumph Tucked Away not working

Hi, I've been trying to collect all the legacy triumphs before they leave the game with the release of witch queen. Unfortunately, in trying to get tucked away, I'm able to interact with none of the datapads. I know that a long time ago, I picked up the very first two you come across, and that is it. I have fully completed the captain's log triumph, which I have been told is what unlocks the ability to interact with all of the datapads. I have now run through presage 3 times today, twice solo, and once with a friend of mine, and at no time could I interact with [u]any[/u] of the datapads. Please help, thanks Edit: if it helps, I play through steam, have cross save connected to stadia, and my ign is ALoafOfDvDs#4799 Update in response to some replies: People have said I need a full run. I am not quite sure what this means, as all of my runs have been start to finish (I also do believe presage does not have checkpoints, and thus all runs are fresh runs), so I took it as meaning a 3 man run. I have now completed that, gone back in, and am still unable to collect anything.

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