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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
1/2/2022 4:46:02 PM

To Pete Parsons and Bungie.

Dear Mr Parsons, How about instead of getting "woke" and writing walls of text about Bungies internal business affairs, You also take responsibility and action around your poor connections, your terrible Matchmaking and most frustrating of all the endless game crashes. I cannot help but feel terribly robbed of the money I spent for the 30th anniversary pack and Witch Queen deluxe Pre-order due to the reasons I mention above. Borderline incompetence releasing a game update that crashes everytime you look at your friends tab. We play this game for fun, not frustration. These issues erode trust and hurt your brand deeply. You like money? I'd like a product free from fundamental flaws. You buy a damaged product from a business, generally there would be an apology at very least and compensation if the retailer cares about loyalty and return custom. But I guess it's hard to code properly when your hands are up a fellow employees skirt?

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