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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
12/30/2021 1:38:27 PM

PC always disconnecting.. ?

Is anyone else experiencing disconnecting issues? I have alienware aurora R11 with GTX 2080 Ti with 5 Ghz network. All my other games, apps, and browsers run smooth and fast as hell but the past 2 weeks on Destiny, I've come close to being banned from so many suspensions due to disconnects and network issues. I've reset my router/modem multiple times and reconfigured the IP cache and DNS server and a few days ago I even did a full factory reset on my PC to make sure there was no malware or viruses slowing it down and then I called my internet company and yelled at them for two days and after q callback they verified its not their service. Is there anything else I can do to improve the situation or am I simply at the mercy of Bungie's servers and their manpower?

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