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12/29/2021 3:44:54 PM

Looking for Guidance on Returning After 2 Month Restriction.

I’ll try to keep things short and brief. Been playing Destiny since it released years back and I have a Fixed Wireless Network setup giving me 10 mbps download and 4 mbps up. From what I’ve read Destiny 2 requires a minimum of 3 mbps download and 1 mbps upload. At the end of June, my internet went sour on me, causing multiple stability spikes. This made Twitch streaming impossible on some days because the picture just couldn’t be broadcasted from the instability. This eventually led to a restriction in October for 2 weeks, then a two month restriction in November. (I foolishly thought it would be fine to play Gambit for the ornament since it was very light on PVP aspects). After going back and forth with my ISP for literally months at this point, they finally sent someone out to readjust my dish to their radio tower. Since that adjustment, the difference has been like night and day. I can livestream Destiny and help others with no issues, and I do not experience constant lag spikes like I was in the time I received my restrictions. (At its worst, literally everyone in a tower instance would be rubberbanding around the map and I’d be at 1/4th of a bar constantly.) Here is my question. How do I move forward from here, and can I get any info from Bungie on good courses of action to renter the game? I have tried asking these questions on the ban appeal section, but despite strictly stating I am not asking for a removal of the restriction, they still sent me an automatic message telling me they don’t negotiate temp restrictions. I just want to get back to playing PvP and Gambit but feel like I can never truly relax even if my internet has improved to be stable again. If you want any more info I am more than happy to provide it. I promise I’m not pulling the whole “I’m innocent” card. I know what happened in the past and I accept the consequences that my actions resulted in and I am not asking for an early removal of my restriction. I have a tendency to overthink things and now I’m just worried that I’ll never to be able to truly relax and enjoy PvP again without constantly worried about getting permanently banned, even if my internet is now fixed and sufficient for gaming. (I’ve streamed 5-6 days a week at 720p through PSN for the last couple of weeks and have not had a single crash or interruption). Any help is appreciated.

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  • Sorry, not sure if bumping works on the forums and I’d like to contribute more to this than a plain old “bump”. Given the results I provided and if I removed a few devices from my home network, do those speeds, pings, and latency checks indicate a good connection for Destiny? Are there other ways to know in game whether my connection is struggling other than the bar? When I got restricted for the second time from gambit, I didn’t notice any lag personally, I just noted the bar would often hang around the 1/2 full range. Again, any help is appreciated. I just really want to get back to having fun in crucible and gambit but want to make sure I’m taking all the necessary precautions before doing so. No one needs to have another laggy player in their lobbies, and I don’t want another two month extension.

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