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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
12/27/2021 2:50:54 AM

What happened to DESTINY

What happened to destiny isn't just the broken guns it's probably 95% of the community by no means to do I claim to be the best destiny player but this community turned to complete crap and toxic. I carried so many new players through VOG,CROTA,SKOLAS. I'd finish my 3 characters and just look on forums for people that needed help. But now that's a joke ask for help or join someone die once they back out or kick you I get their were always the idiots oh need this gun or that but man I met a lot of people that just loved to play and need some help a lot of people say sham on bungie to which I agree to a certain degree but mainly sham on those toxic people who ruin things for people trying to achieve the same thing.

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