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12/26/2021 3:12:35 AM

PST Dads of Destiny West Coast Blueberries. MST also welcome.

Just hit 30 members! Would love for you to come check us out! 🌀Xbox Dod Westcoast Blueberries🌀 A new sub clan of the Dad's of Destiny following the same mantra. Family, Gaming, Fun. We're here because we want to spend our free time having fun with people our age that understand: "Gotta tuck the kids in brb" "Grabbing a drink" "Just gotta help my partner with something quick!" If this sounds like somthing your interested in and you agree with the following points come on over! -🛃-Prefer 20+ age -🕣- Pst timezone -👾- Raids, Pvp fun, and other content were down to run it all. -🚫-We're here for fun not drama or exclusion -📲-Discord for communication -☑️- -❓-Any questions just pm me! If your a Dad looking for a home on another platform head over to: Dad's of Destiny Official Discord

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