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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
12/22/2021 12:10:46 PM

Worldline Zero Now Has Zero Purpose

First I shall say I love the Worldline Zero (W-0), it is my most used weapon at 125k+ kills and I even finished the catalyst the OG way. But man has it fallen from Hero to Zero and I want it to rise again. The W-0 has never been the best at dps, it's mostly a champion and ad clear weapon for everything below master difficulty. So I'll list the niches where it excelled in and how it has fallen since its heights. 1) The early days: Warlock sword skating > The boom of d2 speedrunning after Warmind dropped, this form of skating is no longer a thing since Bungie worked to remove the ability for Warlock hover and (to an extent) Supers from being allowed to skate with the W-0. They removed it around March 2020, but it did come back with Shatterdive Hunters in Beyond Light but nowhere near the level it once had. 2) The Catalyst: Season of the Worthy > With the rework of swords when Worthy dropped, the Catalyst to W-0 is essentially pointless. Let me explain. The catalyst allows for reduced activation time for the Tessaract heavy attack after sprinting taking it from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds to activate. Meaning before the rework it would reduce the time between Tessaracts by 25% [i]before Worthy[/i] when you could spam heavies left and right. But [i]after Worthy[/i] that 25% time reduction has gone to a 7% reduction with the addition of the Charge stat, as now you have to wait, at most, 5 seconds with no charge modifiers for a full charge (since it only activates on a full charge) and then wait 1.5 seconds to activate Tessaract. So without the catalyst, it would take at most 7 seconds between Tessaracts, and with the catalyst would take 6.5 since it's still a static .5 second reduction. So hopefully you can see why the catalyst has near no use besides making orbs compared to every other sword heavy in the game. 3) Vortex Frame Swords and Chain Reaction: Season of Arrivals -> 30th Anniversary > The addition of the Vortex frame sword and swords with Chain Reaction can do what W-0's Tessaract does to a decent extent. While they cannot cover the same distance or do the same damage these swords do have perks that allow them to reach similar damage numbers like: Whirlwind Blade Surrounded One for All And perks that allow them to reach similar distances like: Chain reaction Since they're legendary you can use other exotics such as Witherhoard for greater ad control or boss dps. So they can fill W-0 roll to nearly the same extent as W-0 with fewer downsides and easier to use heavy attacks. Not to mention Warmind Cell creation for Solar Chain Reaction kills 4) Eager Edge: 30th Anniversary > The only pro that W-0 still had was the accidental re-introduction of skating when Beyond Light dropped for Hunters. But now the new swords Half-Truths and The Other Half that can run with the new perk Eager Edge can beat W-0 at its own game. While Eager Edge Skating is slightly more difficult to learn, it is [i] way [/i] faster than W-0 skating and it can be chained much easier since the activation requirements are just swapping back to the sword after the cooldown and does not require an initial run. So the speedrunning niche that W-0 had can now be filled to a greater degree by swords with Eager Edge. My point: Any function that Worldline Zero has, be it ad clear, speedrunning, etc. can be done by any legendary sword to a similar or even greater degree. The only thing W-0 has now, is that it can destroy the vents from behind the covers during the Cabal Injection Rig Public Event. Please buff the sword, or at least rework the catalyst

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