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12/21/2021 8:45:09 AM

Aspect. [Λ] is recruiting active Australian and New Zealand players! PvE and PvP activities!

[b]About us:[/b] Aspect. [Λ] has recently been founded and is looking for experienced and returning players to grow or looking for a new home! We currently have active members who have the ability to offer: Weekly raids, Sherpas, Quest help, Crucible help, Character build and weapon discussion. [b]What we Offer:[/b] - Raid Instructor and support for all activities. - Flexible hours to play with other clanmates within the community. - Friendly non-toxic atmosphere ensuring everyone is having fun. - Spiciest Memes and a sense of humour within the community. - Life comes first, then video games. We care about your wellbeing! - Support for all games other than Destiny. [b]Our timezones:[/b] - NA, EU and AUS. Please be mindful that most active clan members are situated in EST and AEST. [b]Requirements:[/b] - Age 18+. (For legal and maturity reasons) - Discord and the use of the Bungie web app/phone app. Please be mindful that Discord is the staple for communications for those who crossplay! - English Language. [b]How to Join:[/b] - Leave a comment or DM me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible! - After joining, a simple meet and greet is needed before become a full pledged member! If any of this sounds good to you, or you’re interested in knowing more, feel free to comment or DM me and I'll get back to you!

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