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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Talia Sendua): 12/19/2021 2:03:35 AM

Can you please add Dead-Zones or Force Barriers at the initial spawn points of Convergence and move the spawns to lower ground?

Players really shouldn't be able to use the "high ground" spawn points to prevent getting attack in game modes like Survivial. Especially with some classes unable to get up there again to kill them. For context, I was playing a match Survival with random stacks. We slapped their asses 4-0. The opponents team random quit (both teams had duo-stacks) after we reached a 4-0. After that those [insert favorite rage word] of enemies started to make a huge comeback from 4-0 to 4-4 by exploiting chaperones range (yeah, they played well but it still sucks, miss inventory lock in Survival!). In the final round then they decided to play super campy, play the life advantage (something I see as a flawed mechanic btw.) and when the last 45 seconds were on the clock, they runned away and jumped back on that high ground spawns to prevent us from killing them. BS like that should not be possible. In fact, players shouldn't even spawn up there anymore. That position is too exploitable. Please Bungie, if you keep that map in Trials/Survival, then move the spawns to the lower ground, add some kill boxes up there or a force barrier.

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