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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
12/2/2021 5:17:24 AM

Does bungie plant to help/save us that we’re grandfathered into the new system?

So I was given what I feel like was an unjustly restriction, and you can view my prior threads for more detailed information, but I was given an in game banner indicating I would be restricted for two weeks, and here I am a year later still not being able to play crucible or gambit. I was given the restriction before beyond light and apparently the permanent restrictions have been phased out, so could people like me ever be saved by bungie in the future? I’m stationed overseas and couldn’t visit home for the holidays, and I just want to play with my friends father again. I’d say a year of restriction definitely taught me my lesson, and my connection issues form military “A” school are not a permanent problem so why give a temporary problem a permanent solution like that? I just hope bungie can see this and give some players another chance. Especially since the system has changed.

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