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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
11/30/2021 4:07:44 PM

please more advance senstivty for mouse and keyboard

ok so i wanted to talk more about the sensitivity side of things for mouse and keyboard one i played controller most of my life on ps4 when d1 and out d2 switched to pc during forsaken how ever i ran into a issue that right now is showing its self more and more and that is we need more to it cause i try to convert my sensitivity from other games to destiny but the issue is i cant make it pin point being like im stuck on 3 rather then 2.500 /inch54.55/ Cm/360 as it feels clunky to not have that advance of a sensitivity that is there for most games if possible can you please bungie make sensitivity more advance for mouse and keyboard so we can put our exact sens and not a half broken sens ? cause it just makes it harder for pin point sens and muscle memory for people who want to improve they are stuck in this half what sensitivity that feels clunky

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