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11/29/2021 12:23:13 PM

Looking for Xbox based UK clan

Hi, I've recently moved from ps4 to xbox and I'm looking for an xbox based UK clan, preferably Dads of Destiny or with similar values. I've been playing since D1 and I enjoy endgame pve content. I play pvp, but I'm average at best. I have Hunter, Warlock and Titan and I'm currently deciding which class I want to main as I mained Hunter since D1. I have discord and I'm not afraid to use it, lol. Switched from PlayStation so I'm looking for an xbox based clan to make new friends. I know the game is Xplay, but all my friends are still on ps and I'm looking to expand my xbox friends list. I also play other games
#Xbox #Clans #dod

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  • [b][i]The Peaky Snipers[/i][/b] is a UK based XBOX clan recruiting active members 18+. We are looking for people who enjoy all aspects and having a laugh while doing so. All we ask is for you to be helpful to others if needed, active in game and in our chat on the Bungie app. If you wish to leave, a reason would be nice! If you are inactive or do not communicate within a month timeframe, you will be removed. We thrive on helping those who are trying to get their power up, with loadouts and armour, Crucible help and running through endgame activities. And now we have other members that are able to help out too! We're looking for [i]non-toxic[/i] members to come have a laugh and join the family! Now the new season has started, we will be running raids, teaching and learning them together as we go along. We play Trials on a weekly basis too. Feel free to message me on here or on Xbox if you would like to know more or have any questions! We also play other games together as a clan also. [u][b]NO DISCORD REQUIRED[/b][/u] [i][u]No ridiculous requirements to join either![/u][/i]

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