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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (RyanDoesOnline): 11/8/2021 10:01:56 PM

RESOLVED: I cannot access the game on my Xbox series X

UPDATE: I removed devices associated with my Xbox profile and resigned in. After taking a break from Destiny 2, I decided to launch the game when my friends started playing again. Upon the game loading, I continually was greeted with "Parental Controls: You must have access to online multiplayer gameplay in order to play Destiny 2. For more information, visit" I've confirmed that my parental restrictions are off and cross-play is enabled on my Xbox series X. Multiple restarts. Multiple redownloads of this massive file size of a game. Please help. I've happily spent good money throughout the Destiny franchise and I just want to play with my friends again.

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