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Изменено (BennnyJetz): 11/7/2021 4:08:06 AM

Cult Carnage Probably The Best Clan In the World...

Hi Guys, I'm not going to give a massive list of pros, requirements/expectations etc... I started 6 months ago and built through people I met in lfg, I do have real friends! but they don't play Destiny alot. 🤣 I'm proud to say its gone pretty well, we get alot of endgame a and raids done I've met some awesome people had some funny raid moments and don't take things to seriously. I also do a great Shaxx impression 😛 I'm from UK but we have alot of US and Canadian members so time zones are all over the place so people are always on. We might be small by veteran standards (though 80 members and growing since posting) but we get stuff done GM, PVP, RAIDS weeklys the list goes on. We don't expect people to be pros or sweaty. I don't care if you are inactive for a bit or like playing solo we actually find more reqard in showing/helping people, we aren't gunna condemn you, we do like people to mingle, that's the whole point of a clan right!? All I ask is that your 18+ chilled and not an arrogant know it all who believes their way is the only way to play the game! Please don't join to just leave again, I'm sure I speak for all clan founders who invest the time to recruit that this is rather annoying. We want all members to feel free to jump into activities etc. and get involved in the Carnage that is our party chat. So if this sounds like your sorta thing, then send a request or comment below (upvote would be nice too). Cult Carnage would be honored to have ya!👍

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