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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
10/21/2021 7:42:02 AM

I am deeply disappointed with both Legendary Shattered Realm and Astral Alignment

[quote] As many have you have already discovered, there is a new difficult option for Shattered Realm. You can pump up the power level requirements and tackle some truly worthy foes. It can get pretty frightening in there, so maybe bring some friends with you. The chests are dropping high-stat gear so it's certainly worth your while.[/quote] Yeah, so since when is[i] 59 high sta[/i]t? Seriously, what's the point of doing legendary if every "high" stat gear drops below 60. Tier 3 umbral focusing can only do [b]4[/b] times per account yet it also drops "[b]high[/b]" 59 stat. I am baffled by this logic, actually, I want to know who thought this was an amazing idea. I want to farm for some good stat gear but I feel discouraged from doing it since all I am getting is 59 and below.

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