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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (PhantomSoldier): 10/16/2021 6:03:37 PM

Crucible is not my skill level...

I am a returning player. I noticed this when I was doing the daily Crucible bounties. I load into a normal, casual Control match expecting a good, fun game. Instead, I am matched against players who should literally be in Trials, with quick snipes, insane aim, like what? This has happened before and the matchmaking doesn't learn from its mistakes. It's insanely annoying, all I'm trying to do is get some weekly challenges done! [spoiler]also make the stasis breakout faster so we have a chance to retaliate[/spoiler]

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  • It's not just you, buddy. I played Crucible tons in D1 and through Curse of Osiris. It was a blast and totally addicting. WIn or lose - most every game felt fun and "fair", and I could mess around with guns and loadouts and leave every game with a smile on my face. After returning about a month ago, to me it feels like Crucible is night-and-day different from D1 and early D2. I struggle to get a 0.5 K/D in most games, whereas before I was slightly above 1.0 K/D (which is fine for me), and have many games where I can barely even get a kill. The skill level of the people I play against just is WAY higher than before. Granted, I am probably a little older and slower than I was, but I think the main thing is that [u]the people who are playing crucible are just better than they were (and better than me)[/u]. Bad players like me really get crushed without SBMM. I am not here to "get gud" or try to make a career out of gaming. I get off work, I find a shiny new gun, and I want to hop into crucible and play a few games and try to kill people with it. I just want tot have fun. That is not possible anymore. [u]Something is wrong when the Competitive gaming modes (Glory/Elimination), which is where "sweat" belongs, are actually more relaxing that Quick Play[/u]. That's not right, and Bungie is turning off a large (most?) segment of their customer base from casual PVP. Am I generalizing? Yes - but I think I am not far off. Until SBMM returns, average and below-average players will just get beat up in Crucible. I recommend sticking with Elimination - at least you have a fair chance.

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