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впервые опубликовано в: Controller and Keyboard & Mouse matchmaking
9/29/2021 2:36:07 PM
I play with a controller on a laptop. I don't have any issues. Using M&K would require a lot more practice for me after all these years of console gameplay.

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  • Im in the same opinion. I play PC with controller, and my performance continues to gradually improve from when I played on Xbox with controller. Although, I used to play PC with M/K many years ago, I cannot physically use mouse the same anymore, which is the primary reason I had switched to Xbox many years ago. In general, controller hit boxes feel a bit larger with some weapons, and the sandbox is slightly different. M/K can focus more on range, where controller needs more stability in general. With the new sensitivity adjustments, I have gained more rotation and reaction movement in a sense, while not sacrificing my ADS precision much. My opinion would not be to dilute the player pools any more than they currently are. Gradually, working towards complete crossplay once some issues are ironed out. At this point, some would argue that controller on PC still has advantage over controller on console... But I think its not really much of an issue with the latest consoles. In general, larger player pools will allow ability to refine matchmaking to the point that the game performs better, which should be the goal of all players. As the algorithms can be adjusted to balance skill and connection to an extent and make each game challenging but not a wash out.

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