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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (ADragonWithin): 9/13/2021 7:07:04 AM

When will warlocks get theirs?

I wanted to talk about a couple of aspects of the warlock in general. After the release beyond the brink of light, enough time has passed that the new stage of stasis, which the Darkness has been gaining for us, has not survived, but the Varlaks really only got hold of the darkness. Every hotfix or nerf is probably associated with a warlock. [b]1[/b]. The skill of melee (ranged) combat is currently not as playable as possible in its state. - The flight of the projectile is very slow - AIM Assist will proctically outstretch, which requires very cardinated actions as with a single-shot grenade launcher - AOE is very small, even if the projectile falls a couple of cm from the legs - The range of the projectile is simply awful, it is not convenient with it even in PvE, I almost never use this skill at all, with rare cases in PvP, and then I forget about it, because it is simply useless and only spends gold in a hardcore setup [b]2.[/b] Split, for 7 years the warlocks did not receive a single worthy exotic for this skill, as at that time the Tans and the Hunters, for the barricade and somersault, respectively, received a multitude of exotic things that sometimes boost them crazy. [b]3.[/b] A terrible "bug" or is it not an earning (feature), when the warlock makes a pod on a ladder or through a small stone and then presses the "split" skill, then he starts to cast / cancel / cast / cancel it and during this time you PvP is killed instantly - The time of the "split" spell is very long, compared to the dodge / pick of the Hunter or the installation of the Titan's barricade, and again here the Warlock is in a vulnerable position while the warlock casts it to destroy it. [b]4.[/b] Warlocks have not received exotic items to increase damage for a long time Branch - Petrel subclass, I don't even remember how long ago we got something worthwhile, except that boots for increasing the time of the "Ray of Chaos" action, so it was 3 years ago. - Now he gets things for kinetic damage or even some dubious Artifacts. Warlocks have never been your favorites in terms of skills or damage, if this was the case in DLS, then they were in for a quick nerf, for the worse. It is worth remembering only the new void subclass, they quickly began to fix it, and the hunter with "holonor fragments" was fixed for more than a year and then received a nerf in the next DLS. [i][b]My maine Warlock and I really love to play them, I also play drygimi, especially as a crazy Titan)). But now, one build is already 3 years old, it's all about rolling back grenades> rolling back ults and so on in a circle. We use more than half of the artifacts only when we throw a challenge to ourselves. I do not think that the guys from the support will read this feedback, and there is no other place to write. I have described briefly and succinctly those "problems" that have been accumulating and not being solved for years. Peace for everyone![/b][/i] [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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